We stayed in the visitor's section at the Zimpeto children's centre, run by Iris Ministries. This centre is home to about 300 children ranging from just a few months old to teenagers. Some of the children here are orphaned, but others of them do have relatives who for various reasons are unable to care for them. We spent time doing activities and games with some of the children.
One of the highlights for me was our visit to Khongolote Children's Centre. There we met Mama Sefa, a brave lady whose plans together with her husband to go to Madagascar had lead them to Mozambique. We listened to her life story as she decribed how they had travelled from the Congo through various countries in central Africa, looking for the best way to head for the island of Madagascar. After months of travelling and finally running out of funds, they ended up stranded in Mozambique, unable to speak the language and unable to return home because of the war that broke out in the Congo. Someone connected them with Iris Ministries who helped them get back on their feet again. Through God's provision, they were able to start another children's centre in a neighbourhood called Khongolote which is close to Zimpeto. Her story was a real testimony of how when things don't turn out the way we planned, that God then unfolds His perfect plan.
A rare experience..
We left the centre for a weekend outreach into one of the villages near Maputo. We pitched our tents outside Pastor Pedro's house and spent the weekend assiting him. Pedro lives in a simple house with electricity while water needs to be fetched from a communal point. He pastors the Iris Ministries church established in this village.
Stacey coming to terms with public transportation
a boatride to the island..
standing next to a warm ocean..
Early Sunday morning before getting ready for church, 2 of the pastor's kids are seen here grounding peanuts for our lunch time meal. The ground peanuts are added to cassava leaves to make a green sauce eaten over rice.