Recently, His People Church participated in Building on Faith, an event organised by Habitat for Humanity South Africa. Habitat for Humanity has been building in this community for the past few years now, so Mfuleni is slowly being transformed from a place of informal dwellings to a neighbourhood of houses.
In Building on Faith week, 11 houses were built by various participating churches as well as some international volunteers. The theme this year " What a mighty God we serve" was a reminder once again that we CAN place our trust in a very faithful God.
Thank you so much for your prayer support. Thank God for a successful and safe build and that 11 families will soon be moving out of the poverty of informal shacks into adequate housing. Thanks to God also for all the positive experiences that the volunteers came away with.
Thank you so much for your prayer support. Thank God for a successful and safe build and that 11 families will soon be moving out of the poverty of informal shacks into adequate housing. Thanks to God also for all the positive experiences that the volunteers came away with.
"I helped to dig the foundation trenches on the first Saturday. I then came on the last day of the week to help with the finishing touches. It was good to see the completion of the house. I enjoyed the interaction with new people, encountering different cultures and had fun taking pictures."
Dorothea, pictured here with Victor, our crew leader for the week, enjoyed getting to know the kids in the community. She took time to chat to them and paint their faces. She says:
" I definitely want to do this again. It's exciting to be part of making someone else's dream of owning a home come true. This is the first time I physically got involved in building so learning how to mix cement and lay bricks was educational. As for the kids, it was refreshing for me to be able to spend this time playing with them."
Some more His People volunteers:
Maurice (above left) and Debbie (left)
Ann and Ken (right) painting the door and window frames; Below: Tim and myself working to get the roof tiles onto the roof!
Andre (left) perfecting the stoep and Ps. Wayne (below)
Maurice (above left) and Debbie (left)
Ann and Ken (right) painting the door and window frames; Below: Tim and myself working to get the roof tiles onto the roof!
Andre (left) perfecting the stoep and Ps. Wayne (below)
At the end of the week we built all the walls from the foundation level and placed the windows, doors and the roof onto the home. Tholi moves in once the plastering, plumbing and electricals are completed by Habitat for Humanity.
Thank you so much for your support that helps make events like this possible. Know that as a co-laborer, God promises a reward to you for every life changed and every victory for His kingdom. As the ministry you are sowing into grows, you reap new growth and life because of your investment. Thank you!