After a celebrity-like goodbye and send off from Cape Town airport (thanks to friends and family who came!), our adventure to a Portuguese-speaking nation began.
We were blessed to be able to see a different side to Mozambique, a country usually well-known for its beautiful beaches and colourful sea-life.
Zimpeto Children's Centre
We stayed in the visitor's section at the Zimpeto children's centre, run by Iris Ministries. This centre is home to about 300 children ranging from just a few months old to teenagers. Some of the children here are orphaned, but others of them do have relatives who for various reasons are unable to care for them. We spent time doing activities and games with some of the children.
The kids regularly sing a song based on John 14 v 2: In my father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
The words of the song say that even though they don't have homes here on earth, they are looking forward to the home that God has prepared for them in heaven. The Zimpeto centre definitely has made a huge difference in the lives of these kids who are trusting in God and are full of hope for their future so sing this song with such passion.
Kevin, Ramzay and myself teaching new games to some of the teenagers at the centre
Feeding time in the babyhouse
We travelled to Maputo city centre on some of the outreach ministries. We prayed for the sick in hospital ( I didn't do too well here. Got very lightheaded in that hospital!) and ministered to street people, both adults and children. We also visited Bocaria, a city garbage dump that has people living on it, trying to make a living from what they can salvage from the trash. It was really unsafe with so much broken glass around in the area and most of the kids running around barefooted. Iris Ministries has established a church in this community and we attended a service while we were there. One of the highlights for me was our visit to Khongolote Children's Centre. There we met Mama Sefa, a brave lady whose plans together with her husband to go to Madagascar had lead them to Mozambique. We listened to her life story as she decribed how they had travelled from the Congo through various countries in central Africa, looking for the best way to head for the island of Madagascar. After months of travelling and finally running out of funds, they ended up stranded in Mozambique, unable to speak the language and unable to return home because of the war that broke out in the Congo. Someone connected them with Iris Ministries who helped them get back on their feet again. Through God's provision, they were able to start another children's centre in a neighbourhood called Khongolote which is close to Zimpeto. Her story was a real testimony of how when things don't turn out the way we planned, that God then unfolds His perfect plan.
A rare experience..
We left the centre for a weekend outreach into one of the villages near Maputo. We pitched our tents outside Pastor Pedro's house and spent the weekend assiting him. Pedro lives in a simple house with electricity while water needs to be fetched from a communal point. He pastors the Iris Ministries church established in this village.
Pedro, his wife Yvette - seated, their kids and Beatrice, a family friend standing on the right
Stacey coming to terms with public transportation
a boatride to the island..
standing next to a warm ocean..
Early Sunday morning before getting ready for church, 2 of the pastor's kids are seen here grounding peanuts for our lunch time meal. The ground peanuts are added to cassava leaves to make a green sauce eaten over rice.
Stacey coming to terms with public transportation
a boatride to the island..
We began our adventure on Friday travelling by taxi, boat and lots of walking to reach a village on a nearby island. On Saturday we assisted as some of his church members were baptised in the warm ocean of one of Maputo's beaches.
standing next to a warm ocean..
Early Sunday morning before getting ready for church, 2 of the pastor's kids are seen here grounding peanuts for our lunch time meal. The ground peanuts are added to cassava leaves to make a green sauce eaten over rice.
The weekend experience was such an insight into the lives of ordinary Mozambicans. I felt it a privilege that God allowed us to see a part of His world that few others get to observe. A rare experience indeed. As we spent time with Pedro and the members of his church, we were able to see their joys as well as the daily hardships they face.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support not only during this trip, but also throughout the year. May you have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous new year!