Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walking through an open door..

Last month began with a week of prayer and fasting at Tokai. Our focus was Revelation 3 v 8. Here Jesus, the provider of all opportunities, says He has opened a door before us that no one can shut. So while there may be an open door in front of us, it's still up to us to make the decision to walk through it.
We were encouraged to entrust ourselves afresh to God as well as commit to Him those who still need to come into relationship with Him. Our time of seeking God concluded with powerful prayer and worship at church where many experienced breakthroughs in the areas they were trusting God for. My personal prayer in this season is for courage to walk through the open doors God has placed before me, stepping out in confidence to grab onto that which He has in store! Lots of fun this month was attending the Amazing Car rally with the young adults group. The frantic driving and running around paid off. See the incredible winning team in this picture!

Forever to live with the answers...
Do you believe in God? How would you describe God? What does God expect from us?

I was thrilled to attend a workshop by Rice Broocks dealing with a God test. The test looks at 10 questions, like the ones above, meant to encourage discussion around faith, certainty and meaning in life. Ultimately we'll be living with the answers to these questions forever.
Pray that as we ask these questions, of ourselves and of others, that God will open a door of faith as we find the answers. Rice encouraged us to apply the SALT principle: Start a conversation, Ask questions and Listen before attempting to Tell our story.

My beautiful friend Nomawethu who also celebrated her birthday this month